Found this picture on Tumblr the other day and it brings me back to good times. I miss it. Deep down inside I love the lazy, slacker, bitchfest that was my gaming career. Waking up late, grabbing a Coke, sitting down and pulling the headphones on. The real world didn't need to exist, I could go to where I was a badass and everyone liked me and I liked (almost) everyone else. There used to be a sincere sense of loyalty and companionship, these were not just people I gamed with but they were my friends also. These were folks I would log in to chat with if I had a shitty day. These were folks that were there for me, and I was there for them. Never mind the pack a day smoking, the case of soda and the glorious, tasty snack food..
Love the picture. Reminds me of back in the day when I did similar. I have times I miss it but kids, career, and dogging it (with treats, training and teaching) keep me busy. Some of my best friends were in the gaming community and many of the most awesome people I know came from there.