Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dirty feet, Dirty hands!

After the letdown trying to purchase seeds and gardening products a few days ago, I had a mucho large success yesterday.  Going to a feed store should have been an obvious answer but it took my lovely dirty hippie co-worker saying something for it to click.  We packed up her old dog and hit the road, driving to King Feed and Hardware in Wimberly, Texas.  It was a short jaunt, but a lovely drive, incredibly productive on the purchasing side and in exchange for the ride, Savannah bought me one of the best snow-cones I've ever had in my life.

Relaxation was short lived though!  Upon returning home, Dean and I went to with the yard work, getting the rest of the post holes finally finished and half of the posts actually set in concrete!  The plan is to finish that today but I sincerely doubt that's happening.  There's some polo ponies I've long neglected to visit and a silly pop show in Austin we're going to tonight.
All the starter stuff!
I think I've got everything I need to get started.

The day's not lost though!  Following the advice at SproutRobot, I did get my cabbage seeds planted two days ago, and bright and early this morning I put the broccoli to seed.  It seems to not be an exact science as it was strongly recommended to me yesterday to wait and plant the broccoli.  I think there may have been some miscommunication though, as I intend to start from seed and I think he thought I wanted little sprout-lings.  If I end  up with broccoli this year, awesome!  If not, no worries!  I've got a notebook with planting dates for everything I've put in pots so hopefully I'll learn from my successes and mistakes.
Seeds close up
Broccoli, Parsnip, Cantaloupe, Green Onions, and Chives

Planting seems relatively easy thus far.  I'm using 2" starter pots, Miracle Gro's Seeding Mix, and clothes pins to keep my planting trays labeled.  I don't have any spot in the house that gets more than an hour or two of sunlight a day so they are being set outside.  Hopefully it won't be too hot out there.

I worry that perhaps I got a little bit carried away though!  Two days ago I put the cabbage in.  Today was for broccoli, cantalope (I love that melon far too much to not try, too late in the season or no!), parsnips, and green onions.  I've got some sweet basil (hopefully) growing and I'll start a small set of chives, but the herbs I'm not worried about, those get easily moved indoors, out front, across the yard.. or wherever really.
The beginning stages, all finished
All done!

Great breakfast!
Great breakfast!
There we are!  All set, for now at least, including the four tomato seedlings I picked up also.  Tim at King Feed suggested it was too late to start tomatoes by seed but buying starter tomatoes would be the way to go.  Its a nice prompt to get the garden boxes all finished, as (in theory) I've only got a couple of weeks before things start getting moved!

And now.. back to our breakfast of peaches and reading.. mmm!

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